
stuff we do, here it be


a very few pictures of a full and really fun weekend

We started Christmas at my Uncle Scott's house.  We have no pictures of that.  The next day we wrapped some presents at my parents' house.  Here are a few either wrapped or about to be, and a lovely centerpiece as well (go Mom & Dad!). 

Look!  It's my mom enjoying a little sunshine through the window!  Hi Mom!

Now look!  It's my dad, and he enjoys the sunshine too!  Hi Dad!

And look again!  It's our dog, adorable Roxanne!  She's on vacation this week, probably sitting on the lap of a parent sitting in one of those green recliners by the window.  Have fun, Roxanne!

Oh, look at Kyle!  He's eating a cookie.  We ate heaps and mounds of delicious and beautiferous cookies at my parents' house and then at Kyle's parents' house and then at home in Chicago.  We are still eating them and will likely continue.  They're wonderful.  I was introduced to Lemon Bonbons, and Kyle was introduced to Aunt Ellie's Butter Cookies.

This, as you can plainly see, is a glass of water.  It might be out of water, I'm not sure.  Unfortunately, after taking this photo I realized that our good ol' camera batteries were definitely out of juice.  And so I don't have photos of the fun we had at the Schlies' house in Kokomo, nor of the fun people (and dogs!) with whom we had said fun.  But you don't have to take my word for it (look at me!  I'm Levar Burton!)-- you can take a look at the fun pictures on Barb's blog.

1 comment:

  1. Shannon & Kyle, We enjoyed having you celebrate Christmas with us. We missed Roxanne! Rusty was looking forward to making her growl. I'm glad Kurt could join us for part of Christmas day. It was great to see him again. We look forward to seeing you in March if not before.
