
stuff we do, here it be


Theo's plans (so far) for when he is bigger:

1.  Grow a long beard
2.  Learn to play chess
3.  Get to use scissors and knives and a drill

There are many, many other plans, but these are the ones that get discussed most frequently.


Meet Jefe.

Here he is, Little Jefe (pronounced Hey fay, more or less), also known as Green Jefe!

He has lived with us for quite some time disguised as a crocodile pull toy, but last night revealed his true identity: a small boxer dog with yellow paws, who pees and poops on the sidewalk and eats dogfood and drinks water, much like Big Jefe, a dog who lives around the corner.

And here is Little Jefe with his good friend who plays nicely with him and takes him for walks around the living room and down the hall: