Hi all. This is a guest post from me, Roxanne, the very good dog. In the picture above you can see me sitting very nicely on my bed, and you can also see my spiffy haircut. You can also see that no one has decorated my corner of the living room, unless you count a ladder as a decoration. Maybe it
is a decoration.
Shannon forgot to sign herself out, so I guess I can post whatever I want. So, here I am, posting on their blog. I see they include me on this blog sometimes, but it looks like they include Theo even more. Oh well. He is pretty cool, I guess, for a baby. He still hasn't figured out how to walk, though. I can walk. Actually, I love to walk. I want to go for a walk. I want to go right now. I'm gonna go find Shannon and look at her very intently so she will know to strap on Theo (since he can't walk by himself... but I totally could when I was his age) and fetch my leash and take me for a walk.
Goodbye for now, folks. I'm (hopefully) off for a walk!