
stuff we do, here it be


Stay cool, Theo, stay cool.

Theo just heard the radio weatherman say that it's 100 degrees right now.*

Theo laughs in the face of 100 degree heat, without AC, and the fan just on low.

Theo keeps cool, thanks to the inherent coolness he gets from his cool parents.

*Now as in the moment the picture was taken, which was Thursday afternoon.  It's not nearly as hot today.


Pictures from Groveland. Probably way too many of them.

The Duel

Rory & Orion choose their weapons.

Kyle is ready for them.  Bring it on, kids!

The kids bring it.



Rory opts for peace.

Truce at last.


Theo likes sitting on his cousin Sage's lap.

Fortunately for Sage, Delores prefers sitting on Bonka's lap.

The Fishing Trip

Orion says the fish are over that way.

Actually, to catch fish, you don't need a pole or bait-- just rocks to throw into the water.

Pinecones work almost as well as rocks.

So do big sticks.

See?  It works.  Check out the size of that goldfish!


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l a s t   m o n t h

It's true. They have the cool stuff.

Amy Buehler

21st Place

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